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Learn German

Learn German by yourself

The best way to learn German is to speak to German people. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes – Germans will appreciate your efforts because they know how difficult the language is.

You can use this free online learning platforms & apps to practice on your laptop or on mobile phone:

Click here to see the most useful words.

Integration course

You can learn German by attending a course at VHS (Volkshochschule; eng: community college).

Every VHS offers integration courses, where you can intensively learn German. Visit the homepage: https://www.volkshochschule.de/ or go directly to your local VHS to get more information. They also help you to apply for the certificate of eligibility at BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge; eng: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) which is necessary for attending an integration course.

You are required to pay 1.95 Euro for every hour of lessons on the integration course