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Paid holidays

In this section, you can learn about the conditions for paid holidays in Austria

  • Number of holidays
  • Holiday payment
  • Holiday compensation. 
  • Public holidays in Austria.

Number of paid holidays

In Austria the number of paid holidays is regulated by the labour law and depends on the length of your employment. If you are employed for a whole year, you have the right to 5 weeks (or 30 workdays including Saturdays) paid holidays. If you are employed for a shorter period, you get paid holidays prorated to your time of employment.

Holiday payment

During your holidays, you will receive the same amount of payment as during standard working time.

Additional to your holidays, you get paid on national holidays if the national holiday is on a normal working day. 

Consumed holidays or holiday-compensation

Your holiday always must be an agreement between employer and employee. 

If you get sick during your holidays, you must inform your employer. If your period of sickness lasts longer than three days, these days are paid and do not count for holidays. (See when I am sick). 

If you do not spend your holidays during your period of employment, your employer must pay a compensation for the holidays after your termination date.

National holidays in Austria

  • 1st of January - 1. Jänner (Neujahr)
  • 6th of January - 6. Jänner (Heilige Drei Könige)
  • Easter Monday- Ostermontag
  • 1st of May (National Holiday)- 1. Mai (Staatsfeiertag)
  • Ascension Day - Christi Himmelfahrt
  • Whit Monday- Pfingstmontag
  • Corpus Christi - Fronleichnam
  • 15th of August - 15. August (Mariä Himmelfahrt)
  • 26th of October- 26. Oktober (Nationalfeiertag)
  • 1th of November (All Saints day) - 1. November (Allerheiligen)
  • 8th of December - 8. Dezember (Mariä Empfängnis)
  • 25th and 26th of December- 25. Dezember (Weihnachten) und 26. Dezember (Stephanitag)

Learn more 

Here you can find further information on holiday payment in Austria